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Beeswing Nara

Common Name: Narra, Amboyna (burl)


Heartwood can vary widely in color, ranging from a golden yellow to a reddish brown. Pale yellow sapwood is clearly demarcated from the heartwood. Quartersawn surfaces display ribbon-stripe figure, and the wood is also seen with mottled, beeswing, or curly figure. Narra burl is full of well-defined knot clusters, and the highly valued wood is known as Amboyna.


Grain is usually interlocked, and can sometimes be wavy. With an uneven medium to coarse texture with good natural luster.


Easy to work with both hand and machine tools, one of Narra’s only downsides is that it has a moderate blunting effect on cutters. Narra turns, glues, and finishes well.



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